Glass Protection Glass Railings .PNG


Exterior&Interior Glass Treatment

Most window and glass railing companies sell there product un-treated making water stick between the microscopic peaks and valleys of the glass as seen in the video below making it venerable to staining, hard water marks and air pollutants dulling the surface and disrupting your view creating more effort and time to clean.

Before Treatment

Once coated with Diamond -Fusion glass protection it then fills in all the microscopic peaks and valleys of the surface of the glass creating a smooth Hydrophobic surface that repels water, prevents staining and takes 90% less time to clean surfaces its protecting, working smarter not harder.

The video shows the left side of the glass being untreated and the right side with treated with Diamond-Fusion

50/50 Treatment

Residential & Commercial


Glass showers take on the most contact with hard water and limescale , dulling its appearance and making it more difficult to clean with the end result of having to use harsh chemicals to clean.

In just two applications of Diamond-Fusion filling the peaks & valleys of the glass becoming sealed shedding water instantly, and takes 90% less time to clean and no need for the use of harsh chemicals just a damp & dry cloth will do.

less time spent cleaning and more time living.

Before & After Treatment